Prudence Farrow
A celebrity aristocrat, born into power and privilege.

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Is Prudence Farrow a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Prudence Farrow comes from the illustrious Farrow-Previn-Aronson family. They have twenty-one celebrities in their family. With one hundred ninety credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The royal House of Konigsberg is renowned for its impressive lineage. Woody Allen, born Allen Konigsberg in 1935, has led the family to great success as a celebrated director, writer, actor, and musician. His sister, Letty Aronson, is also well-known in the industry as an award-winning producer. John Farrow, Woody's father-in-law, was a decorated Lieutenant Commander in the Royal Navy and a successful director, screenwriter, and author. Maureen O'Sullivan, the mother of Woody's wife Mia Farrow, was an iconic actress best known for her portrayal of Jane in the Tarzan films. Her illustrious career spanned nearly three decades and she starred in over 50 films. The Konigsberg family is a testament to the power of hard work, talent, and dedication to craft.
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