Lizabeth Lockhart
A person of noble birth in Hollywood's court.

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Is Lizabeth Lockhart a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Lizabeth Lockhart comes from the illustrious Taylor-Lockhart-Nugent family. They have nineteen celebrities in their family. With one hundred ninety-three credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The Lockhart family is an illustrious dynasty of performers and entertainers, spanning over a century of show business. Gene Lockhart was born in London, Ontario in 1891 and began performing at a young age, touring with his father's band. His daughter, June Lockhart, made her stage and film debut in the 1930s and went on to star in numerous films, later becoming a television star. She is the grandmother of Anne Lockhart, an actress, writer and director, and the mother of Buck Taylor, a Multi-Western Heritage Award winner. Dub Taylor and Carol Nugent, June's parents, were also performers. Judy Nugent, Buck's wife, is an actress and their son Coop is a stuntman and rodeo competitor. Nick Adams, Anne's father-in-law, was a celebrated actor. Finally, Anne's son, Jeb Stuart Adams and Matt Taylor, Buck's son, are both actors and stunt coordinators. With such a long and storied lineage, the Lockharts have been an integral part of show business for generations.
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