Annie Guest

A celebrated scion of a famous family.

Annie Guest
Full NameAnnie Guest

Is Annie Guest a nepo baby?

Yes! Extreme nepo baby! Annie Guest comes from the illustrious Curtis family. They have fifteen celebrities in their family. With two hundred eleven credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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Family Tree

Royal family member Tony Curtis, born Bernard Schwartz, was a student of the "school of hard knocks" and knew from a young age that he must take care of himself and his younger brother, Julius. Through poverty and his father's meager income, Tony developed strength and perseverance. His daughter, Jamie Lee Curtis, was born in Los Angeles, California, and achieved fame with her role in Halloween (1978). She is also known for True Lies (1994) and won a Golden Globe Award for her performance. Christopher Haden-Guest, the eldest son of Tony, is a U.S.-born actor, director, writer, musician, and composer. His brother Nicholas Guest is known for National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (1989) and Elizabeth Guest, the youngest of the family, is known for her work in Steve Allen's "A Christmas Carol" and for studying at the Lee Strasberg Theatrical Institute in Los Angeles. Anthony Haden-Guest is also known for his work in Don Peyote (2014) and Allegra Curtis, the youngest daughter of Tony, is known for Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) and L.A. Heat (1996). This illustrious family of entertainers has achieved success through hard work and determination.

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