Connor Kelly-Eiding
An aristocratic celebrity, born into a life of privilege and luxury.

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Is Connor Kelly-Eiding a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Connor Kelly-Eiding comes from the illustrious Kelly-Eiding family. They have four celebrities in their family. With thirty-eight credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The esteemed Paul Eiding and his progeny, Connor Kelly-Eiding, are renowned both on and off the screen. Paul's illustrious voiceover career boasts iconic roles such as Perceptor from the Transformers series, Colonel Roy Campbell in Metal Gear Solid, and the timeless Grandpa Max Tennyson in Ben 10. His son, Connor, is an up and coming star, lending his talent to various projects such as Riley Parra, 9-1-1 and Riley Parra: Better Angels. The Eiding family is sure to remain a household name for many years to come.
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