Agneta Ulfsäter-Troell
A member of the celebrity upper echelon, born into a world of privilege.

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Is Agneta Ulfsäter-Troell a nepo baby?
It's very likely! They also are a nepo parent! Agneta Ulfsäter-Troell comes from the illustrious Ulfs\u00e4ter-Ulvaeus-Troell family. They have eight celebrities in their family. With one hundred forty credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
From the tranquil shores of Sweden, a royal lineage of creative artistic talent has emerged. Elisabeth Moss, a renowned American actress, began her journey of artistic expression in her adolescence, studying ballet at the School of American Ballet in New York City. She has since become one of the most beloved actresses of our time, for her roles in Mad Men (2007), The Handmaid’s Tale (2017) and The Invisible Man (2020). Elisabeth’s relatives are just as influential in the artistic world. Björn Ulvaeus, her cousin, is a celebrated actor and composer, best known for his work in the films Mamma Mia! (2008) and The Martian (2015). His daughter, Linda Ulvaeus, is an acclaimed actress and Yohanna Troell, her cousin, is an equally acclaimed actress and composer. Jan Troell, Yohanna’s father, is a renowned director and cinematographer, and Richard Ulfsäter, Elisabeth’s cousin, is a talented actor. This illustrious family of artists has captivated audiences around the world with their creative works.
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