Quinn Culkin
A privileged inheritor of fame and fortune, born into a life of glamour.

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Is Quinn Culkin a nepo baby?
Yes! Quinn Culkin comes from the illustrious Culkin family. They have twelve celebrities in their family. With eighty-three credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The illustrious family of Bonnie Bedelia Culkin can trace their illustrious lineage all the way back to New York City. Bonnie, born on March 25, 1948, is the daughter of Phillip Harley Culkin, a journalist, and Marian Ethel Wagner Culkin, a writer and editor. She trained in ballet and her parents guided her, along with siblings Kit Culkin, Terry Culkin, and Candace Culkin, into acting. Bonnie and her siblings have all gone on to appear on stage, TV, and in film. Through them, the family has produced some of the most celebrated American child stars, including Macaulay Culkin, Kieran Culkin, Quinn Culkin, Christian Culkin, and Rory Culkin. With their mother's German and Norwegian heritage and their father's Irish, German, English, Swiss-German, and French ancestry, these phenomenally talented siblings have made a lasting impact on the entertainment industry.
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