David Jarre
A celebrity born into the lap of luxury.

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Is David Jarre a nepo baby?
It's very likely! David Jarre comes from the illustrious Jarre family. They have four celebrities in their family. With forty-two credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Tessa Charlotte Rampling is a member of a distinguished family. Born in 1946 in England, she was educated at the esteemed Jeanne d'Arc Académie pour Jeunes Filles and St. Hilda's school. A model and actress, her illustrious career includes acclaimed performances in The Knack... and How to Get It, Georgy Girl, and The Damned. Her brother, Barnaby Southcombe, is an esteemed director, having graduated from University College London and attending the NYU S.C.E film program. His works include Harold Pinter's Betrayal, music videos, and the BAFTA-winning television drama As If. Together, Rampling and Southcombe are a regal family of talent and distinction.
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