John Loggia
A member of the celebrity nobility, born into fame and fortune.

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Is John Loggia a nepo baby?
It's very likely! John Loggia comes from the illustrious Loggia family. They have four celebrities in their family. With thirty-four credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The illustrious and timeless Robert Loggia, born and raised in New York City and a graduate of the University of Missouri's esteemed journalism program, is remembered amongst the greatest of American actors. His storied career began with stage work at the renowned Actors Studio before he was a ubiquitous presence on television screens across the country. His fame was further cemented with his roles in such cinematic classics as The Greatest Story Ever Told, Scarface, and Big. His beloved legacy was continued by his daughter, Kristina Loggia, who has earned acclaim of her own in films such as One Good Cop, Save Yourselves!, and Bad Dreams. The Loggia family's legacy lives on through Kristina, her husband James Le Gros, and their two children. Robert Loggia passed away at the age of 85, due to complications of Alzheimer's, leaving behind a timeless legacy.
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