Io Bottoms
A Hollywood scion, born into a world of glamour and luxury.
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Is Io Bottoms a nepo baby?
Yes! Io Bottoms comes from the illustrious Bottoms family. They have seven celebrities in their family. With seventy-eight credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The Bottoms dynasty is nothing short of extraordinary. James "Bud" Bottoms, a sculptor and high school art teacher, and his wife Betty, raised four talented children in Santa Barbara, California. Timothy Bottoms, the eldest, was born on August 30, 1951, and his siblings Joseph (born April 22, 1954), Sam (born October 17, 1955), Ben (born December 3, 1960), and Io (born December 8, 1980) all followed. All four siblings achieved success in the art world, with Timothy being the closest to reaching super-stardom in the 1970s. Joseph is known for his roles in The Dove (1974), Holocaust (1978), and The Black Hole (1979). Sam was an actor and producer, known for his work in Apocalypse Now (1979), The Outlaw Josey Wales (1976), and Seabiscuit (2003). Io is an actress, known for Arbitrage (2012), Somewhere (2010), and Marie Antoinette (2006). Clara is an actress, known for Broken Bread (2019), Making It (2018), and Last Chance Kitchen (2016). Ben is an actor, known for Joseph's Gift (1999), Ava's Magical Adventure (1994), and More American Graffiti (1979). Through their incredible talent and unyielding drive, the Bottoms dynasty has cemented their legacy in the world of art.
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