Savelina Fanene
A celebrity born with a silver spoon in their mouth.
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Is Savelina Fanene a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Savelina Fanene comes from the illustrious Johnson-Hashian-Maivia family. They have eleven celebrities in their family. With one hundred thirty-four credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Royalty from the world of entertainment and media, Dany Garcia, daughter of Ata Johnson and the late Rocky Johnson, is the founder and driving force behind The Garcia Companies, a multi-faceted talent and media management holding company. Alongside her business partner and client, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, the pair co-founded Seven Bucks Productions, a full service production company. Through their business endeavors, they have the ability to reach global audiences on multiple platforms. Additionally, Dany's family encompasses Savelina Fanene, an actress, and Tanoai Reed, an actor and stuntman. Together, this noble family have achieved greatness in the entertainment industry, and will continue to do so for many years to come.
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