Helenka Adamowska
Gracious collaborator who valued others.

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Is Helenka Adamowska a nepo baby?
Nope! Helenka Adamowska's self-starter mentality has led them to many great accomplishments in their career. They are always pushing the boundaries and taking risks, making them a true leader in their field and an inspiration to others.
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Family Tree
The illustrious House of Patterson-Pantaleoni-Duchovny, a lineage of world renowned talent, is a legacy that spans multiple generations and generations of remarkable individuals. It began in the 19th century with James Pearson and Thomas Newton, original settlers of St. Clair County, AL. Hank Patterson, born in Springville, AL to Green and Mary Newton Patterson, attempted to work as a serious musician and eventually ended up on the silver screen in the 1920s. His great-granddaughter, Elizabeth Téa Pantaleoni, is a celebrated actress known for her roles in Santa Barbara (1984), Switch (1991) and A League of Their Own (1992). Elizabeth's daughter, West Duchovny, is also an acclaimed actress, known for her roles in Vegas High (2020), A Mouthful of Air (2021) and The Report (2019). Finally, David William Duchovny, Elizabeth's brother, is a renowned actor and writer who earned an undergraduate degree from Princeton University and a Master's Degree from Yale University. His brother, Daniel Ducovny, is an acclaimed director of commercials and photographer. With an illustrious history of talent and achievement, the House of Patterson-Pantaleoni-Duchovny is a legacy of which any family would be proud.
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