Cleo Elliott
A celebutante with a regal pedigree.

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Is Cleo Elliott a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Cleo Elliott comes from the illustrious Elliott family. They have three celebrities in their family. With thirty-eight credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Royalty of the Silver Screen, Tall, Thin and Wiry Sam Elliott and Katharine Juliet Ross shine with elegance and grace. Elliott began his illustrious career on the stage and first graced the silver screen in the classic Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969). Though his future wife, Ross, co-starred in the film, the two did not meet until 1978 when they filmed The Legacy together. Elliott was a sought-after actor, appearing in westerns, such as The Sacketts (1979), The Shadow Riders (1982) and The Yellow Rose (1983). He also graced non-westerns, often as a tough-guy foil. Ross was born in 1940 in Hollywood, CA. Her father was a commander in the US Navy and, due to his career, the family lived in Virginia, Palo Alto and Walnut Creek, outside of San Francisco. She attended Las Lomas High School and Diablo Valley College, where she did her first onscreen work in a student film. After moving to San Francisco, Elliott and Ross would eventually meet and embark on a Hollywood love story that continues to this day.
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