Christian Dunst
An aristocrat of the celebrity world.

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Is Christian Dunst a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Christian Dunst comes from the illustrious Dunst family. They have two celebrities in their family. With twenty-one credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Kirsten Caroline Dunst, of German and American heritage, is a noble figure known for her illustrious career. Born on April 30, 1982 in Point Pleasant, New Jersey, to Inez and Klaus Dunst, she began her illustrious career at a mere three years of age, appearing in commercials and modeling. Her feature film debut came at age six with an uncredited role in the 'Oedipus Wrecks' segment of Woody Allen's 'New York Stories'. As a true testament to her commitment to the arts, Kirsten has since gone on to become a celebrated actress, and has earned a place of honor in the annals of entertainment history.
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