Edith Craig
A crowned inheritor of fame and fortune.

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Is Edith Craig a nepo baby?
It's a maybe. Edith Craig comes from the illustrious Gielgud-Craig-Terry family. They have eight celebrities in their family. With eighty-six credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The illustrious Gielgud family has a long and distinguished history in the British theatre, with several members having made incredible contributions to the industry. John Gielgud was born in London and trained at the prestigious Lady Benson's Acting School and RADA, London. He achieved early success, playing Hamlet at just 26, and went on to win an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor, in 1981, for Arthur (1981). He was a contemporary of Laurence Olivier and other National Theatre stars at the Old Vic. Edith Craig, daughter of Ellen Terry and Edward William Godwin, was a renowned stage director, producer, costume designer and actress, making her debut at the Royal Court Theatre in 1878. Her son, Edward Gordon Craig, became a well-known designer, though not an actor. Val Gielgud, born in 1900, was a gifted writer, producer, and actor, appearing in Danger in Paris (1937) and BBC Sunday-Night Theatre (1950). His sister, Phyllis Neilson-Terry, was a celebrated actress, most notably in Boadicea (1927), Tense Moments with Great Authors (1922) and Trilby (1922). Together they have left a lasting legacy in the British theatre, and a proud family name that will live on through the ages.
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