Sloan Nibley
An aristocrat of the celebrity world.

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Is Sloan Nibley a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Sloan Nibley comes from the illustrious Nibley family. They have five celebrities in their family. With seventy-two credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Harris Yulin, a chameleon-like actor hailing from Los Angeles born in 1937, is a well-known face of stage, film, and television. He had an illustrious international background, having traveled across Europe and Israel, before studying at UCLA with Jeff Corey. His off-Broadway debut was in the play "Next Time I'll Sing for You" in 1963. His wife, Gwen Welles, was an American leading woman and action star of serials in the 1940s, who studied music, dance, and drama as a child and received a scholarship to a Hollywood acting school. Her son, Christopher Nibley, is known for his work in 50 First Dates (2004), Mars Attacks! (1996) and Freddy vs. Jason (2003). Christopher's grandfather, Sloan Nibley, was a writer known for his work in Jungle Jim (1955), Science Fiction Theatre (1955) and Northwest Passage (1958). Harris Yulin and his illustrious family have established a legacy of talent and hard work in the entertainment industry.
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