Roan Joseph Bronstein

Reliable professional who kept his word.

Roan Joseph Bronstein
Full NameRoan Joseph Bronstein

Is Roan Joseph Bronstein a nepo baby?

Nope! Roan Joseph Bronstein is a true self-starter who rose from humble beginnings to achieve great things through hard work and determination. They never let their blue-collar background hold them back, and instead used it as a source of motivation to succeed.

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  • 75th Golden Globe Awards

Family Tree

Sharon Stone, of the illustrious House Stone, hails from the small town of Meadville, Pennsylvania. Born to a factory worker father and a homemaker mother, she was the second of four children. Even at a young age, her extraordinary intellect was already evident as she possessed an IQ of 154 and was a passionate reader. While she was advised to pursue a career as a lawyer due to her superior intelligence, her true passion lay in the arts, and she eventually graduated with a degree in creative writing and fine arts from Edinboro State University of Pennsylvania. Her brother, Michael Stone, is a renowned actor, best known for his roles in The Quick and the Dead (1995), Eraser (1996) and Renaissance Man (2021). This illustrious family is a testament to the power of hard work and dedication.

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