Lorraine Davis
Respected achiever who earned his place.

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Is Lorraine Davis a nepo baby?
Nope! Lorraine Davis is a true bootstrapper who never let their humble beginnings hold them back. But, they may be a nepo parent!
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Family Tree
The illustrious Sorvino family, consisting of its patriarch, Paul Sorvino, a veteran character actor and Italian immigrant, his wife Lorraine Davis, a drama therapist and actress, their daughter Mira Katherine Sorvino, a brilliant magna cum laude graduate of Harvard, their son Sam, a Tenafly High School graduate, daughter Dee Dee, an Emmy award-winning television/radio personality, and son Christopher Backus, an actor and Mira's husband, are a family of renown. Bill Sorvino, another son, is an award-winning actor and founder of the Golden Door International Film Festival. Through their various talents, the Sorvino family has gained recognition and prestige, leaving a lasting legacy.
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