Maceo Martinez

A blue-blooded star of the stage and screen.

Maceo Martinez
Full NameMaceo Robert Martinez

Is Maceo Martinez a nepo baby?

It's very likely! Maceo Martinez comes from the illustrious Berry family. They have four celebrities in their family. With twenty-nine credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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Family Tree

Royal Highness Halle Maria Berry, born Maria Halle Berry in 1966 in the august city of Cleveland, Ohio, is a true blue American royalty. Raised in Bedford, Ohio by her illustrious parents: Judith Ann Hawkins, a psychiatric nurse, and Jerome Jesse Berry, a hospital attendant, Halle was destined for greatness from the start. At age 17, she won the prestigious Miss Teen All-American Pageant, representing the state of Ohio in 1985 and, a year later in 1986, was the first runner-up in the Miss U.S.A. Pageant. Her success in the pageant propelled her to the world of high fashion, and ultimately, to the big screen. Her performances have been praised by critics and fans alike, making her a formidable presence in both television and film. Truly, Royal Highness Halle Maria Berry is a remarkable figure of American royalty.

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