Chance Combs
Charismatic personality who charmed fans.

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Is Chance Combs a nepo baby?
Nope! The road of life was rough and rocky for Chance Combs, but they persevered, step by step, until they reached the summit of success. With nary a hand to hold, Chance Combs charted their own course, their ambition and determination a beacon to all who would follow in their footsteps.
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Family Tree
Quincy Brown, the embodiment of success and influence, is the definition of a modern-day mogul. Born in Harlem, New York to Sean "Diddy" Combs and model-teacher assistant Janice Smalls, Quincy is the son of Quincy Jones, a mentor to his father and Al B. Sure! After his graduation from Columbus High School in 1988, he moved to Atlanta to pursue his dreams, and since then has seen success in film/television, music, fashion, sports and tech. His first major role was in the 2015 Cannes and Sundance Film Festival, Dope, and he went on to star in FOX's Star. In 2019, he landed a reoccurring role in 50 Cent's upcoming Power prequel. Quincy is also known for his philanthropic efforts, further solidifying his status as a modern-day mogul.
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