Kenyon McMahon
Success by birthright's luck

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Is Kenyon McMahon a nepo baby?
Yes! Definitely. Kenyon McMahon comes from the noble McMahon family. They have nine celebrities in their family. With one hundred twenty-five credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The McMahon family is a dynastic powerhouse of media, entertainment and sports. At the helm is Vince McMahon, Chairman of the Board & Chief Executive Officer of WWE, Inc., a third-generation promoter who has grown the company into a global phenomenon. He is a pioneer in the television syndication business and a leader within the broadcast and entertainment industries. Alongside him is his wife of 54 years, Linda McMahon, an actress, producer and Chief Brand Officer of WWE. They have two children, Shane and Stephanie McMahon, both of whom are successful in their own rights. Shane is an actor, writer and married to Marissa McMahon, who is the founder of Kamala Films and a director of public relations for WWE. With a firm grip on the industry, the McMahon family continues to set the standard for global entertainment.
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