Barbara Mastroianni
A regal offspring of the silver screen.

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Is Barbara Mastroianni a nepo baby?
Yes! Barbara Mastroianni comes from the illustrious Vadim-Plantier-Mastroianni family. They have fifty-three celebrities in their family. With four hundred sixty-eight credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
From the legendary French acting family of Fondas, Plemiannikovs, Biolays, Toscan du Plantiers, Constantinis, Stroybergs, Barraults, and Vadims, this illustrious brood has made its mark on the world stage. Benjamin Biolay, Lilian Constantini, Annette Stroyberg, Daniel Toscan du Plantier, Hélène Plemiannikov, Jean-Louis Barrault, Troy Garity, Jane Seymour Fonda, Peter Henry Fonda, Bridget Jane Fonda, Marie-Christine Barrault, and Roger Vadim have all achieved international acclaim for their work in acting, directing, producing, and composing. From the iconic films of Roger Vadim to the performances of Jane Fonda and Peter Fonda, this family has helped shape the film industry into what it is today.
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