Kai Schreiber
A privileged celebrity born into the spotlight.

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Is Kai Schreiber a nepo baby?
Yes! Kai Schreiber comes from the illustrious Schreiber-Watts family. They have nine celebrities in their family. With seventy-six credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
Naomi Ellen Watts and Liev Schreiber are descended from a royal lineage of distinguished entertainers and artisans. Naomi was born on September 28, 1968 in Shoreham, England to antiques dealer Myfanwy Edwards "Miv" (Roberts) and Peter Watts, Pink Floyd's road manager. Her maternal grandfather was Welsh, and after her father's death when she was seven, she and her mother and brother traveled around England until they settled in Australia. Naomi soon began taking acting classes and eventually landed her first role in 1986. Liev was born in San Francisco to Heather Milgram, a painter, and Tell Schreiber, an actor. His mother is of working-class Polish-Ukrainian Jewish heritage, while his father is of upper-class Protestant descent. When Liev was one, his parents moved to Canada, where they divorced when he was five. His mother then moved them to New York where she drove a cab, and he and his mother lived as squatters in abandoned buildings. Liev rose to fame after his Tony Award-nominated Broadway debut performance in the revival of Clifford Odets' classic Awake and Sing! His half-brother, Pablo Tell Schreiber, was born in Ymir, British Columbia, Canada and has appeared in films such as Happythankyoumoreplease (2010) and Evil Dead (2013). Naomi, Liev, and Pablo Schreiber are part of a storied lineage of entertainers and artisans and are revered for their contributions to the world of film and theatre.
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