Georgia Macy
A blue-blooded star of the stage and screen.

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Is Georgia Macy a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Georgia Macy comes from the illustrious Macy family. They have four celebrities in their family. With fifty-nine credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
William Hall Macy Jr. is an illustrious American actor, having had a long and successful career in film, television and Broadway, earning two Emmy Awards, four Screen Actors Guild Awards and an Academy Award nomination for his performance in Fargo. He is renowned for his roles in small independent films, Transamerica and the television series Desperate Housewives, for which his wife, Felicity Huffman, was nominated for a Golden Globe. The couple have been happily married since 1997 and Macy is currently still playing the main character, Frank Gallagher, in the Showtime adaptation of the British television series, Shameless.
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