Beckett McDowell

A person of noble birth in Hollywood's court.

Beckett McDowell
Full NameBeckett McDowell

Is Beckett McDowell a nepo baby?

It's very likely! Beckett McDowell comes from the illustrious McDowell-Danson family. They have ten celebrities in their family. With one hundred forty-eight credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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      Family Tree

      Malcolm John Taylor, born June 13, 1943 to working-class parents in Leeds, England, had a tumultuous upbringing. At 11, he was sent to boarding school in Kent, where he developed a passion for acting. His son Charlie McDowell, born July 10, 1983, is an acclaimed director and producer, married to Lily Collins since 2021. Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen and Kate Danson, Mary's daughter with her ex-husband Jesse Bochco, are all renowned actors. Lilly McDowell, Charles Abram Walton's wife, is also an actor, and their son Siddig, born in Sudan and raised in Britain, is a theater director. This illustrious family has brought together a variety of talents and successes.

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