Aidan McGraw
Success: family gift
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Is Aidan McGraw a nepo baby?
It's very likely! Aidan McGraw comes from the royal McGraw family. They have four celebrities in their family. With sixty-four credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The Royal Family of McGraw is a dynasty of talent that hails from California, USA. The family is comprised of four talented siblings, led by their eldest, Jack McGraw. He is known for his work in films such as The Good Dinosaur, Godless and Workaholics. His twin, Aidan, is an actor and model best known for his role in the Clint Eastwood directed American Sniper. Then there is Madeleine, an actress and model known for her career-changing role in Blumhouse/Universal's The Black Phone. Finally, the youngest of the four is Violet Elizabeth McGraw. A child actress and model, she is best known for her work in television series Love and the feature film Ready Player One. Together, the Royal Family of McGraw is a powerful dynasty of talent.
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