Sidney Lumet

A lord/lady of the entertainment industry.

Sidney Lumet
Full NameSidney Arthur Lumet


The illustrious Sidney Lumet was a master of the silver screen, renowned for his technical expertise and his ability to coax the very best performances from his talented assembly of actors. Lumet's films were often complex and emotive, yet artfully avoiding any sentimentality. Although his politics were left-leaning and many of his films tackled socially relevant themes, it was never his intention to create political cinema. Born on June 25, 1924 in Philadelphia, the son of actor Baruch Lumet and dancer Eugenia Wermus Lumet, Lumet made his stage debut at the Yiddish Art Theater in New York at the tender age of four. In the 1930s, Lumet acted on Broadway, in addition to appearing in the film One Third of a Nation (1939). After founding an off-Broadway acting troupe in the late 1940s, Lumet made his directorial debut in 12 Angry Men (1957). His later works include Dog Day Afternoon (1975), Network (1976), The Verdict (1982), and The Wiz (1978). A true luminary of the film industry, Lumet will forever be remembered for his illustrious legacy.

Is Sidney Lumet a nepo baby?

It's very likely! They also are a nepo parent! Sidney Lumet comes from the illustrious Lumet-Cannavale family. They have nine celebrities in their family. With one hundred twenty-four credited apperances in TV, film, and video.

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  • Golden Globe1977
    NetworkBest Director - Motion Picture


  • 100 Centre Street
  • Running on Empty
  • Prince of the City
  • Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
  • Find Me Guilty
  • The Deadly Affair
  • The Sea Gull
  • Q&A
  • Night Falls on Manhattan
  • Daniel
  • Strip Search
  • Critical Care
  • The Morning After
  • Power
  • Family Business
  • A Stranger Among Us
  • Guilty as Sin
  • Bye Bye Braverman
  • Just Tell Me What You Want
  • Gloria
  • The Last of the Mobile Hot Shots

Family Tree

Descended from a long line of royal dignitaries, the vibrant and diverse Lumet-Cannavale family is a dynasty of talent, ambition and creativity. From the late Sidney Lumet, a master of cinema best known for his technical knowledge and skill in directing, to Lena Calhoun Horne, the legendary singer and actress, their accomplishments have left an indelible mark in the entertainment industry. The family's patriarch, Baruch Lumet, was an actor and casting director, while his daughter Jenny Lumet is a renowned producer and writer. Bobby Cannavale, husband of Jenny Lumet, is an actor known for his unconventional approach to his craft, often choosing the less-trodden path to success. Their son, Jake Cannavale, has followed in their footsteps, becoming an actor and writer in his own right. Together, they are a family of visionaries and trailblazers, whose work has changed the face of entertainment and whose influence will be felt for generations to come.

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