Tom Ritter
Royal of Hollywood

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Is Tom Ritter a nepo baby?
Yes! Tom Ritter comes from the royal Ritter family. They have ten celebrities in their family. With one hundred twenty-three credited apperances in TV, film, and video.
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Family Tree
The House of Ritter is an illustrious dynasty of actors and creators, descended from the illustrious Tex Ritter, a renowned actor and country singer. Through his union with Dorothy Fay, Tex produced sons Tom and Jonathan who followed in their father's footsteps, with Jonathan achieving great success in theater and television. Dorothy's daughter, Amy Yasbeck, was a successful actress in film, while her son Tyler is a successful actor and producer. Nancy Morgan, John Ritter's ex-wife, is also a successful actor with appearances in a variety of projects. The House of Ritter is a prestigious family that has contributed greatly to the entertainment industry.
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