John Uhler Lemmon II
Creative genius who birthed new ideas.

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Is John Uhler Lemmon II a nepo baby?
Nope! John Uhler Lemmon II's journey from blue-collar roots to the top of their field is a true testament to their self-starter mentality and never-give-up attitude. They are an inspiration to anyone looking to make a change in their lives. But, they may be a nepo parent!
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Family Tree
The illustrious Lemmon family is of Irish and English descent, boasting a noble lineage of distinguished individuals. Jack Lemmon, born in 1920 in Newton, Massachusetts, attended Ward Elementary and Rivers Country Day School, before attending Phillips Andover Academy and graduating from Harvard in 1947. After serving in the Navy, he pursued a career in entertainment. Chris Lemmon, born 1954, is an actor whose works include Wishmaster, Airport '77, and Firehead. His sister Sydney Lemmon is a singer, guitarist, and actress. She was educated at Yale's School of Drama, the London Academy of Dramatic Arts, and Boston University. In 2018, she made her Broadway debut alongside Uma Thurman in The Parisian Woman. The Lemmons are a family of great distinction, exemplifying the highest of achievements in the entertainment industry.
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