Doug Silbert
Inspiring mentor who empowered growth.

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Is Doug Silbert a nepo baby?
Nope! Doug Silbert is a true bootstrapper who never let anything hold them back. They took advantage of every opportunity that came their way and turned their passions into a thriving career, despite their blue-collar background.
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Family Tree
The Huston Family have a long and illustrious lineage, having produced multiple icons of the silver screen and stage. Led by revered patriarch Walter Huston, a ten-time Oscar-nominated actor and the winner of a Best Supporting Actor Academy Award, the family has produced a storied collection of actors, directors, writers, and even a child prodigy violinist. Jack Alexander Huston, a British actor, is best known for appearing as Richard Harrow in the HBO television drama series Boardwalk Empire, and for his roles in the 2013 film American Hustle, the 2016 historical drama Ben-Hur and the fourth season of the FX anthology series Fargo (2020). Matthew Huston, Jack's brother, is a director and writer known for his films First Kiss (2009), Cantos (2006) and Look Up and Wave Your Glove (2005). Sharmagne Leland-St. John is Jack's sister, an actress and production designer known for her work on Dick Tracy (1990), Carlito's Way (1993) and Tequila Sunrise (1988). Jack's cousin, Daisy Alexandra Sylbert-Torres, is an actress and costume designer known for Dreamgirls (2006), Me Time (2022) and Super Capers: The Origins of Ed and the Missing Bullion (2008). Paul Sylbert, Jack's great-grandfather, was a production designer and director known for Heaven Can Wait (1978), Conspiracy Theory (1997) and Blow Out (1981). Rose Martin, Jack's great-great-grandfather, was a child prodigy violinist who performed for the Prince of Wales (later King Edward VII) at the age of five. Tony Huston, Jack's uncle, is an actor and writer known for The Dead (1987), A Bullet for Pretty Boy (1970) and Outlaw Riders (1971). Jack's aunt, Anjelica Huston, is an Oscar-winning actress, director and writer known for her roles in films like Martin Scorsese's The Aviator, Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men and Alejandro Inarritu's 21 Grams. Danny Huston, Jack's uncle, is an award-winning actor, writer and director, best known for his roles in films like Martin Scorsese's The Aviator, Alfonso Cuaron's Children of Men and Alejandro Inarritu's 21 Grams. The remarkable and magnificent Huston family has left an indelible mark on the entertainment industry, earning countless accolades and awards while inspiring future generations of creatives.
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