The Strange Case of Delfina Potocka: The Mystery of Chopin

The Strange Case of Delfina Potocka: The Mystery of Chopin


Warsaw, 1945. The invading Nazis are gone and, in a symbolic gesture, the preserved heart of Polish composer and national hero Fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric Chopin is returned. Under German rule, even the mention of Chopin was forbidden; now, as the war-battered nation reassembles itself, author Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz recommences work on his biography of the great man. A strange woman contacts him, carrying revelatory letters that she claims the composer wrote her great-grandmother, his lover. But is the woman a fraud? Are the letters forgeries? And since they show Chopin in a less than flattering light, would Poland prefer to suppress them?\u2014Peter Brynmor Roberts

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