Blast Beat
Blast Beat is a coming-of-age drama with some comedy thrown in the mix set in the year 2000 about CARLY and MATEO. Carly is a tougher-than-nails 17-year-old dude who's passionate about metal music; it's his escape, his ritual, and his definition. His 15-year-old rival brother, Mateo, is more of a free spirited, sensitive, and artistic soul. The brothers and their family are Colombian undocumented immigrants who have been living in the U.S. for only a year and are in the middle of a difficult and painful cultural transition. Nelly, The boys' mother, is having an affair with a man they know from church, and what's even worse their role-model father, Ernesto, has been suddenly picked up by the Immigration Police and is getting deported! When the news of the deportation comes to light, Mateo tries to carry out a crazy plan that would reunite him with his father. Even though the brothers are ultimate rivals, Carly sets out to protect Mateo from his own madness and save the future of the family.\u2014Scratch & Sniff Pictures